
Description A static content generator.
Newcomen > Perl Modules > Newcomen::Plugin::Blog



Newcomen::Plugin::Blog - Enable all blog plugins.


At the moment this plugin does nothing more than automatically enabling all the other blog plugins, thus avoiding a long list of 'Blog::*' lines in the configuration file. Individual plugins may of course be disabled by the user's configuration if required.


   'plugins' => {
      'Blog::Crawler'                => 1,
      'Blog::Defaults'               => 1,
      'Blog::Excerpt'                => 1,
      'Blog::Feed::Defaults'         => 1,
      'Blog::Feed::Exclude'          => 1,
      'Blog::Feed::Lists'            => 1,
      'Blog::Feed::Lists::Defaults'  => 1,
      'Blog::Feed::Main'             => 1,
      'Blog::Feed::Updated'          => 1,
      'Blog::Feed::UUID'             => 1,
      'Blog::Index::Defaults'        => 1,
      'Blog::Index::Exclude'         => 1,
      'Blog::Index::Lists'           => 1,
      'Blog::Index::Lists::Date'     => 1,
      'Blog::Index::Lists::Defaults' => 1,
      'Blog::Index::Main'            => 1,
      'Blog::Index::Main::Exclude'   => 1,
      'Blog::Formatters'             => 1,
      'Blog::Menu'                   => 1,
      'Blog::Single'                 => 1,
      'Blog::Source'                 => 1,
      'Blog::Source::Empty'          => 1,
      'Blog::Source::Lists'          => 1,
      'Blog::Source::Slug'           => 1,
      'Blog::Source::Time'           => 1,

These are the default options set by this plugin. They may be overridden by user configuration.

All the blog plugins will be enabled if this plugin is enabled. To disable a plugin, the appropriate option has to be included in the user configuration and set to a false value.


Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Crawler, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Defaults, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Excerpt, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Feed::Defaults, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Feed::Exclude, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Feed::Lists, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Feed::Lists::Defaults, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Feed::Main, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Feed::Updated, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Feed::UUID, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Index::Defaults, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Index::Exclude, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Index::Lists, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Index::Lists::Date, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Index::Lists::Defaults, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Index::Main, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Index::Main::Exclude, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Formatters, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Menu, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Single, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Source, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Source::Empty, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Source::Lists, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Source::Slug, Newcomen::Plugin::Blog::Source::Time


This is version 2014052501.


Stefan Goebel - newcomen {at} subtype {dot} de


Copyright 2013-2014 Stefan Goebel.

This file is part of Newcomen.

Newcomen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the license, or (at your option) any later version.

Newcomen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Newcomen. If not, see <>.