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More On Categories, And Tags

This article is included in two categories: category/subcategory and another category. The following meta data is used:

category : category/subcategory, another category

If included in the article’s source file, it will override the meta data extracted from the file name. Note that the key is category, not categories, even if it is more than one! The different categories are separated by commas (, — spaces around commas are ignored). Subcategories may be specified using slashes (/ — spaces are not ignored!) as separators, and are supported to an arbitrary depth.

Parent category index pages may include articles from their child categories (see the category index), this can be disabled if required.

This article also uses tags:

tag      : a/tag/with/slashes, another tag

These are like categories, but non-hierarchical.

In fact, you can organize your articles by any number of criteria. For example, you could create author index pages, that would basically work like the tag indexes, but are separate from the these.